Sleep is Bliss-Make it a Priority
Sleep has an incredible benefit to our minds and bodies. After a good night’s sleep, we are fresh and energized in the morning to enthusiastically carry out all the day's activities. While sleeping, the body restores chemical balances, and the brain works on memory and retention. Blisssful sleep results in the body functioning and performing well, and it’s reflected in your eyes and skin. You’ll feel happier, be healthier, and look amazing. Without a good restorative sleep, the effects will be negative on your mind and body. So, let's hone in and see why we need to make sleep a priority.
Most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep and there are those few who function well on six. Older adults (65+) require 7-8 hours. Wondering if you’re not getting enough sleep? If your overall health is good and the following signs are present, you have a sleep debt.
Depressed Mood
High blood pressure
Difficulty concentrating and learning new concepts
Dull skin, dark circles under the eyes
Weight gain
Sound familiar? Congratulations - you are a legit member of a large group in America-The Society of the Sleep Deprived.
While you’re sleeping, the nervous system works on building the neural connections that help with memory retention. With lack of sleep, the brain doesn’t get enough time to make these connections, and the result is lack of concentration and clarity. It’s ironic that working many hours without resting, sleeping or physical activity actually results in decreased productivity. WTH? Compound the fact that fatigue affects our emotional state, and the emotion of response morphs into the reactive state. Irritability and a short fuse are not states that any of us aspire to.
A well-functioning immune system IS what we all aspire to especially in the time of a global pandemic. The immune system produces anti-bodies to fight against invaders while we are sleeping. Get your z’s and let the immune system fight the good fight. With a strong immune system even if you fall ill, your down time can be reduced substantially.
The two hormones leptin and ghrelin control feelings of satiety and hunger respectively. When the body is deprived of sleep, ghrelin is at higher levels and leads to hunger and cravings for bad carbohydrates. I think of ghrelin as a gremlin because it wreaks havoc on our caloric intake and healthy eating choices. If you are trying to lose weight, make sure that you are well rested so the hormones balance.
Exercise provides huge benefits and is a prescription for fatigue, energy, depression, health, strength, weight loss, etc. But when energy is on the downward slope, exercise is one of the first things many people let fall by the wayside. Well, … that’s counterproductive. Even if your butt is dragging, move your body by walking, dancing, structured exercise –just move! You’ll feel better, I promise you.
Your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock that cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. When you sleep well the rises and falls of the cycle are not as pronounced. Large swings of sleepiness and alertness are scattered throughout the day and night when sleep deprived or when sleeping hours vary from night to night. Avoid throwing your body into a state of jet lag and keep your waking and sleeping times consistent. If I am feeling jet lagged, I want a Caribbean Island and a Pina Colada for my trouble!
Exercise provides huge benefits and is a prescription for fatigue, energy, depression, health, strength, weight loss etc. But when energy is on the downward slope, exercise is one of the first things many people let fall by the wayside. Well, … that’s counterproductive. Even if your butt is dragging, move your body by walking, dancing, structured exercise –just move! You’ll feel better, I promise you.
Your circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock that cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. When you sleep well the rises and falls of the cycle are not as pronounced. Large swings of sleepiness and alertness are scattered throughout the day and night when sleep deprived or when sleeping hours vary from night to night. Avoid throwing your body into a state of jet lag and keep your waking and sleeping times consistent. If I am feeling jet lagged, I want a Caribbean Island and a Pina Colada for my trouble!
Here are a few do’s and don’ts to help you get a blissful sleep:
Aromatherapy-Lavender and chamomile oils promote relaxation.
Consume all caffeine at least 4-6 hours before bedtime.
Put the cellphone and laptop down at least 1/2 hour before bedtime.
Workouts of higher intensity should be done at least 2 hours before bedtime.
Stretching before bedtime promotes relaxation and feels like a treat.
Take a nap if needed but no longer than 30 minutes.
The ideal bedroom environment is dark, cool, and of course, quiet. Use earplugs if needed.
Avoid high fat and heavy, spicy food in the evening-it activates digestion big time.
A light snack before bedtime is fine- such as nuts, crackers, cheese.
Skip the late-night news. It's usually a downer and promotes anxiety.
Nix the nightcap!
Another sleep villain is the voice inside your head that never seems to shut up. Try your best to quiet the voice and establish a relaxing ritual and put issues to rest before bedtime. Wake up more refreshed in the morning to focus, handle, and resolve. Drink water when you get up and hold off on the morning coffee for about 1 ½ hours. Open the curtains and let the sunshine in. Throwing shade is not allowed when we rise up! Whether your motivation is health, having more energy, being happier, more focused, or achieving more balance in your life, get your z’s and live your best life!